Our Guarantee

At times, our staff might be having a bad day and are not as focused. Cleaning itself is a hard job and challenging as well. Cleaners are mostly expected to be perfect and not make any mistakes, be on time, make sure every ornament is back in its original place, etc.

So if we miss something or just not how you like it, give us a call within 24 hours and we will make arrangements to come in to correct our work at no charge. It is through feedback that we are able to improve our services, a simple call from you, our clients, can help us do just that.

Contact us for a free cleaning estimate today.

(604) 795-0899

Why Hire Us?

  • Over 25 years of experience
  • Locally owned & operated
  • Work 100% guaranteed (conditions apply)
  • We believe in giving back to the community
  • Uniformed staff are professionally trained
  • Bonded, insured & work safe compliant